Arts & Sciences Faculty Awards for 2025
The College of Arts and Sciences will once again recognize our faculty’s outstanding contributions to the life of the University by making awards in the categories of teaching, scholarship, service, advisement, mentoring, and advocacy. Each recipient will receive a cash award of $1,000.
See a list of the previous winners of the College Faculty Awards.
Award Categories
The Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teacher Award is based on student and peer evaluations, alumni testimonials, number and range of courses offered, involvement in individual instruction, quality of advisement and mentoring, demonstrated commitment to student welfare and development and acknowledged reputation in teaching.
The Arts and Sciences Outstanding Scholarship Award is based on publications, professional honors, receipt of competitive grants, scholarly contributions to one’s field and acknowledged reputation in scholarship.
The Arts and Sciences Outstanding Service Award is based on extraordinary service within the College, University, academic profession and larger community. Quality of service is reflected in recognitions and awards, testimonials from colleagues and demonstrated impact on the quality and effectiveness of the organization in question.
The Arts and Sciences Outstanding Advisement Award is based on excellence in academic advisement of undergraduate students. Criteria include number of student advisees and quality of advisement, availability to advisees, communication with students regarding their academic needs and individual progress, knowledge of college programs and requirements and overall impact on students through advising within the College and beyond. Quality in this category can be demonstrated by information supplied by a chair, faculty colleagues, students, and alumni.
The Arts and Sciences Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award is based on dedication and commitment to supporting, encouraging, and promoting a positive and inclusive scholarly and teaching environment, and contributing to the quality of life and professional development of new faculty within and/or beyond the College’s research or degree programs. Exemplary mentoring is reflected in testimonials from a chair, faculty colleagues, and mentees.
The Arts and Sciences Outstanding Advocacy Award is based on evidence of collaborative service, scholarship, teaching, advocacy, and/or leadership efforts aimed at promoting, fostering, and implementing an inclusive environment and celebrating multiculturalism. Criteria include the creation of diversity programs or activities that address issues of diversity and social justice, raise racial and cultural awareness, and promote the betterment of Arts and Sciences. Quality in this category can be demonstrated by nominations from a chair, faculty colleagues, students, and alumni.
Nominations, including a copy of the nominee’s resume and any other supporting materials you wish to add, are due electronically to Kimberly Reimer in the Dean’s Office ([email protected])
The award deadline has been extended to March 1, 2025.
Application Requirements
Required for all nominations
- Letter of nomination​
- Current CV for nominee
The following additional materials are recommended by the Faculty Awards Committee:
- Candidate statement
- Excellence in Scholarship
- Two outside letters
- Two internal letters
- Excellence in Teaching
- Table summarizing student evaluation scores
- Two internal letters
- Three or four letters from former students/alumni
- Excellence in Advising
- One or two internal letters
- Two or three letters from former students/alumni
- Excellence in Service
- Two internal letters
- Excellence in Mentoring
- Two or three letters from current or former students/alumni or faculty colleague
- Excellence in Advocacy
- Three or four letters from chair, faculty colleagues, students and alumni